jeudi 3 septembre 2020

Terraform support channels + best practices

 This email provides support with Terraform Cloud related issues only.

For Terraform OSS related questions, use cases and best practices, please check the Terraform community for assistance:

Our support engineers frequent the Terraform community forum and would be able to share some guidance there:

(from a question sent to hashicorp zendesk )

lundi 31 août 2020

Rsync and exclusions


an old post found back on disqr about rsync (original date : circa 2016)

You might want to use the rsync exclude options directly in your script either by specifying a file with all the exclusions to perform, or by specifying them in the command line directly :

--exclude-from <file-name with 1 pattern by line>
--exclude <file or="" dir="">

For example :

rsync -r -a -v -e "ssh -l Username" \
        --exclude 'dbconfig.xml' --exclude 'WEB-INF/classes/' --delete \
        /local/Directory remote.server:/remoteDirectory

One important thing to keep in mind when excluding a directory is that rsync will always consider the path to be relative to the source directory.

This can be used for example when you want to push your production from a Production JIRA instance to a Staging JIRA instance, but your dbconfig.xml is different (different DB auth parameters for example), and hence want to avoid some files. 

vendredi 10 janvier 2020

JIRA + Script Runner : template / default Description value

using Adaptavist Script Runner plugin > Behaviour

def desc = getFieldById ("description")

def defaultValue = """ *Some text in bold*
since we have a multiline string, we can put some more
but keep it short, this is a template...
What / Why / How ...""".replaceAll(/ .   /, '')

if (! underlyingIssue.descrption) {

mardi 1 octobre 2019

JIRA - find a plugin usage in a Workflow (groovy Script Runner + SQL version)

 Know where/if  a plugin is used. Both have to be adapted to match a specific plugin.

First version gives more data but requires ScriptRunner.

Second version only uses SQL, but is less extensive.

You need to know what you're looking for : com.innovalog.jmwe.jira-misc-workflow-extensions

Script Groovy

Adapted from :

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.workflow.JiraWorkflow
import com.atlassian.jira.workflow.WorkflowManager
import java.util.regex.Matcher
String searchText = 'com.innovalog.jmwe.jira-misc-workflow-extensions'
WorkflowManager workflowManager = ComponentAccessor.getWorkflowManager()
Collection<JiraWorkflow> workflows = workflowManager.getWorkflows()
String result = "Workflow;Function;Type;Action;Step\r\n<br/>"
workflows.each{workflow ->
    def workflowXml = workflow.descriptor.asXML()
    Matcher m = workflowXml =~ /${searchText}/
    if (m.find()) {
        String workflow_name = "${}${if(!workflow.isActive()){";(inactive)"} else ';active'}${if(workflow.isDraftWorkflow()){"(draft)"} else ''}"
        def wf = new XmlParser().parseText(workflowXml)
        List<Node> wf_flat = wf.depthFirst()
            if (it.text() ==~ /.*${searchText}.*/){
                result += "$workflow_name;${getNodeInfo(it,searchText)}\n\n<br/>"
String getNodeInfo(Node n, String search) {
    String nodetext = ''
    nodetext += "${n.text() - search}"
    def p = n.parent()
    while (p) {
        switch ( {
            case '"post-functions"':
                nodetext += ";post-function "; break
            case 'validators':
                nodetext += ";validator "; break
            case 'conditions':
                nodetext += ";condition "; break
            case 'action':
                nodetext += ";${p.attribute('name')} (${p.attribute('id')})"; break
            case 'step':
                nodetext += ";${p.attribute('name')} (${p.attribute('id')})"; break
            case 'global-actions':
                nodetext += ";GLOBAL "; break
            case 'initial-actions':
                nodetext += ";INITIAL "; break
        p = p.parent()
    return nodetext


SQL Query

WHERE = workflowschemeentity.issuetype and = workflowschemeentity.scheme and
  workflowschemeentity.workflow in
        jiraworkflows.descriptor like '');

mercredi 21 août 2019

JIRA Python script : iterate to get the JQL result

Python 2.7 script to :

  • query the result of a JIRA search query in JQL
  • iterate so that we do not get all the data at once but only by small batches
  • print the result list

Pre-requesites :

  • python
  • some JIRA Server or JIRA Cloud + credentials
    • Note that the auth for JIRA Cloud might change a bit

from atlassian import Jira
import json

#auth for JIRA Server
jira = Jira(
# Get the SERVER issues that are Running
JQL = 'project = DEMO AND resolution = Unresolved AND issuetype = "Story" AND status = "In Progress" ORDER BY cf[16032] DESC, cf[15857] DESC'

data_tmp = {}   # data we progressively get each interation
issues_all = [] # full list of issues
issues_tmp = {} # list of issues during this iteration

next_start = 0
size = 50

while size > 0 :
        print("-------- trying to get issues:%s..%s" % (next_start, next_start+size))
        data_tmp = jira.jql(JQL, start=next_start, limit=size)
        next_start += size
        issues_tmp = data_tmp['issues']
        size = len(data_tmp['issues'])

print ("(final) #issues=%s" % len(issues_all))

# now we can do things with the data
for x in issues_all:
print("%s %s %s %s" % (x['key'], x['fields']['customfield_16032'], x['fields']['customfield_15862'], x['fields']['customfield_15857']))

samedi 17 août 2019

Stress-ng - workload for testing

 (src = )

Step 1. Installing and Running Stress-ng

Stress-ng is a load simulator available for the Ubuntu operating system. The utility has a wide variety of command line switches used for customizing the load. The installation is fairly simple as well:

# apt-get install stress-ng

More details about stress-ng can be found on the Ubuntu man page.

Once the tool is installed, it can be run as a command to simulate a CPU load with the following:

4 worker threads
80% load
Timeout after 25 minutes (1,500 seconds)

# stress-ng --timeout 1500 --cpu 4 --cpu-load 80

CloudWatch Dashboard EC2 CPUUtilizationAs the CPU becomes more and more loaded, the the CPUUtilization metric in CloudWatch also reflects it:

jeudi 15 août 2019

HAR analyser

vendredi 7 juin 2019

JIRA Script Runner log debug

snippet of code to use the output logs in ScriptRunner Adaptavist groovy scripts  

ScriptRunner log.debug


ScriptRunner for JIRA



use case
log.debug SR script

import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.apache.log4j.Level
def log = Logger.getLogger("com.scriptname")
//and then, for example to print the variable trem
log.debug "trem=${trem}"

example : 

mardi 9 avril 2019

Mac OS X : show (hidden) .files in the finder.

Finder options:
  1.  CMD + Shift + .
Terminal options + restart finder:
  1. Open Terminal found in Finder > Applications > Utilities.
  2. In Terminal, paste the following:
      defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES.
  3. Press return.
  4. Hold the 'Option/alt' key, then right click on the Finder icon in the dock and click Relaunch.

from :