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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est opsgenie. Afficher tous les articles

jeudi 21 janvier 2021

Opsgenie webinar / ressources

opsgenie is a tool allowing filtering and routing of monitoring-triggered alerts (nagios, AWS SNS, datadog, ...) to specific channels (SMS, phone-call, Slack, Jira, ...).

Main features on top of this :

  • time-table (who's on-call) 
  • alerts / incident resolution centralization
  • third party integrations with 100+ tools

Opsgenie Learning Center :

[video] Opsgenie : "What do we do?"

[video] Opsgenie: "First Look"

Opsgenie Pricing :

Implement nagios to opsgenie Heartbeats :

mercredi 25 novembre 2020

OpsGenie : AWS SNS message to Jira Description Wiki markup (+ links to S3 logs and SSM output)

If you're using the AWS SNS opsgenie integration and want to publish to JIRA, you can for example use the following code to present the data in a slightly better way : 

I this use-case I'm using the SNS channel to publish outputs from a system manager (AWS SSM) command that also publishes it's outputs to an S3, so we're using this extraction to provide the direct links to the s3 logs and the SSM run command history.

And in the end, we copy the message we received from the SNS channel "raw"..

In Opsgenie, in the specific Amazon SNS integration (Incoming Amazon SNS), in the Alert Fields, you can for example modify the "Description" so that it transforms the Message received like this :

h3. Details
|| AWS region | {{ TopicArn.extract(/arn:aws:sns:([^:]*):.*/) }}  |
|| Status | {{ Message.extract(/.*"status":"([^"]*)".*/) }} |
|| Instance ID |   {{ Message.extract(/.*"instanceId":"([^"]*)".*/) }}  [(aws link)|https://{{ TopicArn.extract(/arn:aws:sns:([^:]*):.*/) }}{{ TopicArn.extract(/arn:aws:sns:([^:]*):.*/) }}#InstanceDetails:instanceId={{ Message.extract(/.*"instanceId":"([^"]*)".*/) }}]|
|| Command ID | {{ Message.extract(/.*"commandId":"([^"]*)".*/) }} [(aws cmd)|{{ Message.extract(/.*"commandId":"([^"]*)".*/) }}]  [(s3 logs)|{{ Message.extract(/.*"commandId":"([^"]*)".*/) }}/{{ Message.extract(/.*"instanceId":"([^"]*)".*/) }}/?region={{ TopicArn.extract(/arn:aws:sns:([^:]*):.*/) }}&showversions=false ]  
|| documentName | {{ Message.extract(/.*"documentName":"([^"]*)".*/) }} |
|| requestedDateTime | {{ Message.extract(/.*"requestedDateTime":"([^"]*)".*/) }} |
|| eventTime | {{ Message.extract(/.*"eventTime":"([^"]*)".*/) }} |
h3. Opsgenie info
|| EventType | {{eventType}} |
|| Timestamp (opsgenie) | {{Timestamp}}|
|| Tags | {{tags}} |
|| TopicArn | {{TopicArn}} |
|| Actions | {{actions}} |
h3. Original Message (raw): 

Nb: this might only be available in certain OpsGenie subscriptions unfortunately :-(