mercredi 21 août 2019

JIRA Python script : iterate to get the JQL result

Python 2.7 script to :

  • query the result of a JIRA search query in JQL
  • iterate so that we do not get all the data at once but only by small batches
  • print the result list

Pre-requesites :

  • python
  • some JIRA Server or JIRA Cloud + credentials
    • Note that the auth for JIRA Cloud might change a bit

from atlassian import Jira
import json

#auth for JIRA Server
jira = Jira(
# Get the SERVER issues that are Running
JQL = 'project = DEMO AND resolution = Unresolved AND issuetype = "Story" AND status = "In Progress" ORDER BY cf[16032] DESC, cf[15857] DESC'

data_tmp = {}   # data we progressively get each interation
issues_all = [] # full list of issues
issues_tmp = {} # list of issues during this iteration

next_start = 0
size = 50

while size > 0 :
        print("-------- trying to get issues:%s..%s" % (next_start, next_start+size))
        data_tmp = jira.jql(JQL, start=next_start, limit=size)
        next_start += size
        issues_tmp = data_tmp['issues']
        size = len(data_tmp['issues'])

print ("(final) #issues=%s" % len(issues_all))

# now we can do things with the data
for x in issues_all:
print("%s %s %s %s" % (x['key'], x['fields']['customfield_16032'], x['fields']['customfield_15862'], x['fields']['customfield_15857']))

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