Affichage des articles dont le libellé est shortcuts. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est shortcuts. Afficher tous les articles

lundi 19 octobre 2015

MS Word shortcuts

Sometimes you're bound to use it for professional purposes...

3 shortcuts on MS-Word :

  • Shift + F3 : change the current word type case between ALLUPPER <-> alllower <-> Firstcharup.
  • Shift + F4 / F5 : navigate 1 screen forward (f4) / backward (f5.

  • Control + Y : repeat the last action performed.

jeudi 11 novembre 2010

firefox shortcuts

A trick I learned at the Parisian Ubuntu party last weekend :

  • Ctrl-click on a link opens it on a new tab.

Some others I recently discovered that people around me didn't know :

  • Ctrl-Shift-T reopen last closed tab, with history, cookies, etc.

  • Ctrl-k go to search box

  • Ctrl-l or F6 or Alt-d go to URL/Location box

  • Ctrl-f open/go to the "find on this page" box

  • Spacebar go down one page

  • Shift-Spacebar go Up one page

  • Ctrl+Enter complete .com address

  • Ctrl+Enter complete .net address

  • Ctrl+Shift+Enter complete .org address

(this is not an exhaustive list of firefox shortcuts, so feel free to comment with others you may know).