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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est gnome. Afficher tous les articles

dimanche 5 septembre 2010

Nautilus Main Toolbar made compact

Since I've got my Asus eeepc 1000h, I've been looking from time to time for a way to reduce spare space on the different apps. I hence went for ubuntu-notebook-remix and it's customizations, but not everything was included. Noticeably, Nautilus, the default file browser for gnome has a "main toolbar" very space-greedy, and without simple customization ways proposed.

I found this page pointing to some package to customize the toolbar. Look at the screenshots on this page to see the effect. If the link is down, look for the package to install (code is bellow).

"nautilus elementary"

Those commands were copy-pasted from the above link for re-usability :

To install "nautilus-elementary" from it's PPA :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:am-monkeyd/nautilus-elementary-ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
nautilus -q #restarts nautilus

To compile nautilus

sudo apt-get install bzr
sudo apt-get build-dep nautilus
bzr branch lp:nautilus-elementary
cd nautilus-elementary/
./configure --prefix=/usr && make
sudo make install

And restart nautilus :

nautilus -q

That's it. Then customize everything to suit your needs via the Tweaks tab you can find via Edit > Preferences menu in Nautilus. To customize the toolbar, simply right click on it.

lundi 24 novembre 2008

Nautilus user scripts

Possibilité d'ajouter des scripts dans Nautilus (l'explorateur d'arborescence sous Gnome) :

Les ajouter dans


Pour y acceder, après, c'est un menu Scripts (qui n'apparaît pas s'il n'y a rien dans le directory pré-cité), est présent lors du click droit sur la souris.

Par exemple :
$ cat $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Open\ Terminal\ Here

# From Chris Picton
# Replaces a Script by Martin Enlund
# Modified to work with spaces in path by Christophe Combelles

# This script either opens in the current directory,
# or in the selected directory

base="`echo $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI | cut -d'/' -f3- | sed 's/%20/ /g'`"
while [ ! -z "$1" -a ! -d "$base/$1" ]; do shift; done

gnome-terminal --working-directory="$dir"

Quelques autres exemples ici.