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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est package. Afficher tous les articles

mardi 26 mars 2024

CI/CD and secure supply chain ( & cosig )

(cf. red hat trusted software supply chain which actually embeds those open source tools)

+ for "platform engineering"

lundi 2 août 2021

MVT + Adb : how to use this consensual forensics tool to analyse whether your phone has been compromised by the pegasus/NSO discoveries. Forensics, long time no see !

Following pegasus revelations, I decided to play a bit with the tool provided by Amnesty International Security Lab in July 2021. 

Forensics, long time no see !

Sources :

Doc :

Pretty strait-forward, once you have ADB installed on your computer.

the following steps are for and android phone + mac OS laptop

Step 0 : set your phone in "developper mode". For me I had to go to the settings and press 7 times on the release logo. 

Step 1 : plug your phone in USB, enabling USB debugging

Step 2 : install ADB

brew install android-platform-tools

Check that you see your device, and then stop adb (not required after).

adb devices
adb kill-server

Step 3 : install mvt
pip3 install mvt

Step 4 : run mvt over your phone

mkdir output && mvt-android download-apks --output ./output --all-checks

vendredi 15 avril 2011

Lastest stable version of firefox

Directly from mozilla, have the repository point directly to firefox (found looking for the ubuntu release of firefox 4).

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

lundi 20 avril 2009

Aptitude, apt & cie. (Mainly for Debian, but Ubuntu works on the same way)

Ce post tourne autour des commandes apt, aptitude et dpkg

Installer une selection de paquets :

D'un côté :
$ dpkg --get-selections > liste-pkg

De l'autre côté :
# dpkg --set-selections < liste-pkg
# apt-get dselect-upgrade

Ressources non officielles de paquets pour Debian

Paquets installés automatiquement (jeux de dépendance)

$ aptitude why python-notify

Update automatique sans interaction humaine

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
yes '' | apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o
X Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" dist-upgrade

(originaire de :
site web du livre "Cahier de l'admin, sur GNU/Linux «Lenny» " )

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