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lundi 19 août 2024

GCP+ansible+gitlab-ci : OS-login for ansible with dynamic google compute inventory and gitlab-ci

"How to configure OS Login in GCP for Ansible" + ansible dynamic inventory for GCP compute + update on accepted cryptographic algo for SSH key + gitlab-ci example


2024 update on => thanks ! this still works, but the ssk-keygen by default doesn't provide keys that are accepted by gcp os-login.

+ updated precisions that took me too much time to infer, understood after reading : => the SSH keys need to be in ssh-rsa !

+ ansible dynamic inventory configuration (as of 2024-aug)

+ automation example with gitlab-ci (as of 2024-aug)

Note: For the sake of completeness, ease of reproduction by the reader and leveraging the CC-BY-SA copyright, I include the sections of the great blog post cited as [1] and add my contributions when and where I needed too. 

Service account

 (cf. [1] - no change so far) OS Login allows SSH access for IAM users - there is no need to provision Linux users on an instance.

So Ansible should have access to the instances via IAM user. This is accomplished via IAM service account.

You can create service account via Console (web UI), via Terraform template or (as in [this] case) via gcloud:

$ gcloud iam service-accounts create ansible-sa \
     --display-name "Service account for Ansible"

Configure OS Login

 (cf. [1,5,6] - no change so far)
 Now, the trickiest part – configuring OS Login for service account.


0. Enable OS Login for all VMs in the project

Before you do anything else make sure to enable it for your project:

$ gcloud compute project-info add-metadata \
    --metadata enable-oslogin=TRUE

1. Add roles

Fresh service account don't have any IAM roles, so ansible-sa doesn’t have permission to do anything. To allow OS Login we have to add these 4 roles to the Ansible service account:
  • Compute Instance Admin (beta)
  • Compute Instance Admin (v1) => login as root (for "become: true" with ansible)
  • Compute OS Admin Login =>  login as a regular user
  • Service Account User

Here is how to do it via gcloud:

for role in \
    'roles/compute.instanceAdmin' \
    'roles/compute.instanceAdmin.v1' \
    'roles/compute.osAdminLogin' \
do \
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding \
        my-gcp-project-241123 \
        --member='' \

2. Create key for service account and save it 

Service account is useless without key, create one with gcloud,  and save it, we will use it for the dynamic inventory connection further down the path.
This will create GCP key, not the SSH key.
$ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create \
    .gcp/gcp-key-ansible-sa.json \ 

3. Create SSH key for service account 

(cf. [1]  modified ! with command from [2])

This  [was supposed] the easiest part. $ ssh-keygen -f ssh-key-ansible-sa

 By default ssh-keygen provided an ssh-ed25519 ssh key, leading to a  Permission denied (publickey) when trying to connect with Ansible and OS-login (but no issue when connecting directly from the command-line). Specify `-t rsa` when creating your SSH keys.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ssh-key-ansible-sa -b 2048

4. Add SSH key for OS login to service account

(cf. [1] - no change) Now, to allow service account to access instances via SSH it has to have SSH public key added to it. To do this, first, we have to activate service account in gcloud:
$ gcloud auth activate-service-account \

This command uses GCP key we’ve created on step 2.

Now we add SSH key to the service account:

$ gcloud compute os-login ssh-keys add \

5. Switch back from service account

(cf. [1] - no change)  

$ gcloud config set account


Connecting to the instance with OS login 

(cf. [1] - with change to the command to bypass the ssh-agent)

Now, we have everything configured on the GCP side, we can check that it’s working.

Note, that you don’t need to add SSH key to compute metadata, authentication works via OS login. But this means that you need to know a special user name for the service account.

Find out the service account id.

$ gcloud iam service-accounts describe \ \

This id is used to form user name in OS login – it’s sa_<unique_id>.  

Here is how to use it to check SSH access is working, 

 Specify the RSA private key, and to bypass the ssh-agent, specify to only test the identity provided in the command (IdentitiesOnly=yes), not all the keys you may have loaded in your running ssh-agent.

$ ssh -o "IdentitiesOnly=yes" -i ssh-key-ansible-sa sa_106627723496398399336@

Configuring Ansible

Ansible GCP static inventory

 (cf. [1] - no change for static inventory, more on dynamic inventory just after)

And for the final part – make Ansible work with it.

There is a special variable ansible_user that sets user name for SSH when Ansible connects to the host.

In my case, I have a group gcp where all GCP instances are added, and so I can set ansible_user in group_vars like this:

# File inventory/dev/group_vars/gcp
ansible_user: sa_106627723496398399336

(thanks a lot to [1]'s author Alex Dzyoba, those previous steps helped me a lot in going this far ! now, let's add dynamic inventory and how I run it from gitlab-ci...)

Ansible GCP dynamic inventory

The compose section of the dynamic GCP inventory ansible plugin (, cf. [3]) expects a jinga2 template, to pass a variable directly, you need to double escape it:

 ansible_user: "'sa_106627723496398399336'"

#example of inventory.gcp.yml

 - your-gcp-project

auth_kind: serviceaccount
# must match `ansible_user` below, json file must be available
service_account_file: ./.gcp/gcp-key-ansible-sa.json

 - status = RUNNING

  - key: labels
    prefix: label
  - key: zone
    prefix: zone
  - key: project
    prefix: project
  - key: labels['compoment']
    prefix: component

 ansible_host:           networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP
 ansible_user:           "'sa_106627723496398399336'"

Configuring Ansible (ansible.cfg ssh_args)

Make sure to instruct ansible to use the correct private key when connecting to the servers
ssh_args = -i ssh-key-ansible-sa 

#file ansible.cfg :
;debug = true
roles_path = ./vendor-roles:./roles
collections_path = ./vendor-collections:./collections
stdout_callback = yaml
deprecation_warnings = True
host_key_checking = False
forks = 10
callbacks_enabled = timer, profile_tasks, profile_roles
;remote_user = sa_106627723496398399336
remote_tmp = /tmp [ssh_connection] pipelining = True scp_if_ssh = True ssh_args = -i ssh-key-ansible-sa

Gitlab-ci example

Identify an image that has ansible installed (and maintained), I used but if you find other /lighter one, let me know ! 

Gitlab-ci secret files [4] doc is set from the gitlab project's configuration, in the CI settings  and doc can be found here 

  • Using gitlab-ci feature secret files [4], store the ssh RSA secret key (for ssh)
  • Using gitlab-ci feature secret files [4], store the GCP json file for GCP authentication (for dynamic inventory).
  • We gather the files in the prepare_ssh_ansible job

If you have multiple jobs using Ansible, factorize (here  in the prepare_ssh_ansible job), and extends, here in the ssh-access, ansible-ping, ansible-inventory)

Example playbook, in this case, is located in ~/ansible/playbook/ssh.yml; replace with your own playbook).

# file: .gitlab-ci.yml
ANSIBLE_DYN_INVENTORY : "inventory.gcp.yml"
ANSIBLE_CHECK : "--check -vvv"
SECURE_FILES_DOWNLOAD_PATH: './secured_files/'

# image: librespace/ansible:9.6.0
# install missing packages
- apt update --allow-releaseinfo-change -y -qq && apt install -y ansible curl bash jq

# gitlab-ci secured_files (cf [4]) for GCP service account credentials
- curl --silent "" | bash
- mkdir ./ansible/.gcp/
- cp ${SECURE_FILES_DOWNLOAD_PATH}/gcp-key-ansible-sa.json ./ansible/.gcp/gcp-key-ansible-sa.json
- cp ${SECURE_FILES_DOWNLOAD_PATH}/ssh-key-ansible-sa ./ansible/ssh-key-ansible-sa && chmod 400 ./ansible/ssh-key-ansible-sa

# cf
- export GCP_AUTH_KIND="serviceaccount"
- export GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE="./ansible/.gcp/gcp-key-ansible-sa.json"
- export GCP_SCOPES=""

- export ANSIBLE_HOME=./ansible
- cd ./ansible/
- export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=./ansible.cfg
- ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml --roles-path ./vendor-roles
- ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yaml -p ./vendor-collections/
- ansible --version

- ansible-inventory -i ${ANSIBLE_DYN_INVENTORY} --graph

- ansible all -i ${ANSIBLE_DYN_INVENTORY} -m ping -vvv

- ansible-playbook -i ${ANSIBLE_DYN_INVENTORY} playbooks/ssh.yml

References :





