I have a column of dates that I want to format so that weekends are in a different color.
Solution :
conditional formatting and the formula =OR(WEEKDAY(A1)=7;WEEKDAY(A1)=1)
I have a column of dates that I want to format so that weekends are in a different color.
Solution :
conditional formatting and the formula =OR(WEEKDAY(A1)=7;WEEKDAY(A1)=1)
Tips for the plugin Xporter
tool | Xporter |
version | 5.0.0 |
use case | Print the current date |
Document generated at %{( new Date()).getDate() + "/" + (( new Date()).getMonth()+ 1 ) + "/" + ( new Date()).getFullYear()} |
tool | Xporter, excel |
version | 5.0.0 |
use case | Count number of issues in a JQL |
JQL | <filter> |
nfiches1 | ${jqlcount: |
nfiches2 | } |
=CONCATENATE(nfiches1;<JQL>;nfiches2) |
${jqlcount:project = PJAB AND issuetype = Pénal AND created >= -90d AND status not in ("Constitution du dossier", "Saisir Avocat") AND Entité = "AXA Banque"} |
tool | Xporter, excel |
version | 5.0.0 |
use case | Sum a CF for all issues on a JQL |
JQL | <filter> |
CF | <cf name> |
nsomme1 | ${set(count,0)} #{for n=JQLIssuesCount|clause= |
nsomme2 | } #{if (%{'${JQLIssues[n]. |
nsomme3 | }' .length > 0})} ${set(count,%{${count} + ${JQLIssues[n]. |
nsomme4 | }})} #{end} #{end} %{Number(${count}).toFixed(2)} |
in a excel cell :
=CONCATENATE(nsomme1;<JQL>;nsomme2;<CFname>;nsomme3;<CFname>;nsomme4) |
${set(count, 0 )} #{ for n=JQLIssuesCount|clause=project = PJAB AND issuetype = Pénal AND created >= -90d AND status not in ( "Constitution du dossier" , "Saisir Avocat" ) AND Entité = "AXA Banque" } #{ if (%{ '${JQLIssues[n].Créance comptable}' .length > 0 })} ${set(count,%{${count} + ${JQLIssues[n].Créance comptable}})} #{end} #{end} %{Number(${count}).toFixed( 2 )} |
tool | Xporter, excel |
version | 5.0.1 |
use case | Number of links matching a criteria (including creation date) |
Filter on a date :
requires to create different Date objects, either initiated with the
date returned from the issue, or the calculated date. In the end we are
indeed comparing milliseconds since 1-1-1970, so the > is enough.
/* test if the creation date is within the last 90 days */ ( new Date( '${dateformat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"):Links[n].Created}' ) > ( new Date( new Date().setDate( new Date().getDate()- 90 )))) |
/* Set the variable countD4 to the number of links to the current issue "A" where : * link with the current is : "A" -(est modifié par)-> other issue * linked issue was creted less than 90 days ago * linked issue type is "Créa-Modif Document". */ ${set(countD4, 0 )} #{ for n=LinksCount|filter=%{( '${Links[n].LinkType}' .equals( 'est modifié par' )) && ( new Date( '${dateformat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"):Links[n].Created}' ) > ( new Date( new Date().setDate( new Date().getDate()- 90 )))) && '${Links[n].IssueTypeName}' .equals( 'Créa-Modif Document' )}} ${set(countD4,%{${countD4}+ 1 })} * ${Links[n].Key} ${Links[n].Summary} ${Links[n].IssueTypeName} ${Links[n].Status} #{end} ${countD4} |
tool | Xporter, excel |
version | 5.0.1 |
use case | Count the number of issues, and print it in excel JQL format |
%{Number(${jqlcount:project = PJAB AND issuetype = Pénal AND created >= -92d AND status not in ( "Constitution du dossier" , "Saisir Avocat" ) AND Entité = "AXA Banque" })} |
tool | Xporter |
version | ? |
use case | Format a number with specific locale's decimal separator |
use the ${numberformat("fr","#,##0.00#") function
${numberformat( "fr" , "#,##0.00#" ):JQLIssues[j].Montant de l'opération (en €)} |
tool | Excel, Xporter |
version | 5.1.1 |
use case | Sum values that Xporter printed in the wrong locale. |
Sometime Xporter has some trouble printing numbers that are actually recognized as numbers by excel. An example is by
let's say you need to sum values in a locale where the decimal separator is ",", but xporter outputs a decimal separator as "."; hence the =SUM() function will not work.
=SUM(VALUE(CLEAN(SUBSTITUTE(C11; "." ; "," )));VALUE(CLEAN(SUBSTITUTE(C12; "." ; "," )));VALUE(CLEAN(SUBSTITUTE(C13; "." ; "," )))) |
tool | Excel, Xporter, ScriptRunner |
version | 5.1.1 |
use case | Bulk export, export the issues & insert their subtasks |
One way of doing so is to use the ScriptRunner JQL functions "subtasksOf(<key>)" and iterate on it.
#{ for j=JQLIssuesCount|clause=project = PRF and issueFunction in subtasksOf( "key = ${Key}" ) and issuetype NOT IN ( "Débit" , "Crédit" ) order by updated } |