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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est workflow. Afficher tous les articles

jeudi 6 janvier 2022

Ikea delivery statuses

Since the "next steps" are not necessarily available, to reduce the anxiety of knowing the next step, this is what I could observe as a delivery workflow statuses during an Ikea delivery in january 2022.

Français :

État de la livraison (inverse)

  1. Livré
  2. En route
  3. Received at nearest hub
  4. In transit
  5. Getting ready to send
  6. Picking completed
  7. Picking started
  8. En attente d'être cueilli
  9. Order received

English :

Delivery status (reverse)

  1. Delivered
  2. On its Way
  3. Received at nearest hub
  4. In transit
  5. Getting ready to send
  6. Picking completed
  7. Picking started
  8. Waiting to be picked
  9. Order received

mardi 1 octobre 2019

JIRA - find a plugin usage in a Workflow (groovy Script Runner + SQL version)

 Know where/if  a plugin is used. Both have to be adapted to match a specific plugin.

First version gives more data but requires ScriptRunner.

Second version only uses SQL, but is less extensive.

You need to know what you're looking for : com.innovalog.jmwe.jira-misc-workflow-extensions

Script Groovy

Adapted from :

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.workflow.JiraWorkflow
import com.atlassian.jira.workflow.WorkflowManager
import java.util.regex.Matcher
String searchText = 'com.innovalog.jmwe.jira-misc-workflow-extensions'
WorkflowManager workflowManager = ComponentAccessor.getWorkflowManager()
Collection<JiraWorkflow> workflows = workflowManager.getWorkflows()
String result = "Workflow;Function;Type;Action;Step\r\n<br/>"
workflows.each{workflow ->
    def workflowXml = workflow.descriptor.asXML()
    Matcher m = workflowXml =~ /${searchText}/
    if (m.find()) {
        String workflow_name = "${}${if(!workflow.isActive()){";(inactive)"} else ';active'}${if(workflow.isDraftWorkflow()){"(draft)"} else ''}"
        def wf = new XmlParser().parseText(workflowXml)
        List<Node> wf_flat = wf.depthFirst()
            if (it.text() ==~ /.*${searchText}.*/){
                result += "$workflow_name;${getNodeInfo(it,searchText)}\n\n<br/>"
String getNodeInfo(Node n, String search) {
    String nodetext = ''
    nodetext += "${n.text() - search}"
    def p = n.parent()
    while (p) {
        switch ( {
            case '"post-functions"':
                nodetext += ";post-function "; break
            case 'validators':
                nodetext += ";validator "; break
            case 'conditions':
                nodetext += ";condition "; break
            case 'action':
                nodetext += ";${p.attribute('name')} (${p.attribute('id')})"; break
            case 'step':
                nodetext += ";${p.attribute('name')} (${p.attribute('id')})"; break
            case 'global-actions':
                nodetext += ";GLOBAL "; break
            case 'initial-actions':
                nodetext += ";INITIAL "; break
        p = p.parent()
    return nodetext


SQL Query

WHERE = workflowschemeentity.issuetype and = workflowschemeentity.scheme and
  workflowschemeentity.workflow in
        jiraworkflows.descriptor like '');

lundi 13 février 2017

JIRA server tips and tricks : WF properties on Status

(note : this works on JIRA Server / Datacenter at the time of the writing of this, Feb 2017)

 Sometimes, you want to set some permissions directly depending on the JIRA Issue Workflow status (i.e. not depending on the whole Permissions scheme applied at the whole project level).

This hard to find trick consist in using Workflow properties on the WF steps.

Use-case : lock the "edit" button on 1 WF step, to 3 user groups

ref :

In order to allow the Edit right only to a specific user group, you need to add the following property to the workflow step impacted  so that only JIRA administrators can edit an issue

To add multiple groups, use the syntax :


This of course needs to be applied for each step/status of the workflow impacted, making sure that this WF is not shared with other projects or other IT.

JIRA : Status Permissions

Please note that the expected format is not <property> = denied This format actually grants access to the user named denied.
The proper format is is:
<property>.denied = whatever

The complete format is:

<permission key> = jira.permission[.subtasks].<system project permission>.<grant type>[.<suffix>]
<system project permission> =   assign
                                | assignable
                                | attach
                                | attachdeleteall
                                | attachdeleteown
                                | browse
                                | close
                                | comment
                                | commentdeleteall
                                | commentdeleteown
                                | commenteditall
                                | commenteditown
                                | create
                                | delete
                                | edit
                                | link
                                | managewatcherlist
                                | modifyreporter
                                | move
                                | project
                                | resolve
                                | scheduleissue
                                | setsecurity
                                | transition
                                | viewversioncontrol
                                | viewvotersandwatchers
                                | viewworkflowreadonly
                                | work
                                | worklogdeleteall
                                | worklogdeleteown
                                | worklogeditall
                                | worklogeditown
<grant type> =  denied
                | groupCF
                | assignee
                | assigneeassignable
                | reporter
                | reportercreate
                | userCF
                | applicationRole
                | group 
                | lead
                | projectrole 
                | user
<suffix> = any text that makes the permission key unique among all keys of permissions in the same workflow step.