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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est alerts. Afficher tous les articles

mardi 17 octobre 2023

prometheus, grafana, alertmanager: number of alerts

 prometheus alerts counts

from : +

(sum by (alertname) (changes(ALERTS_FOR_STATE[$__range]) AND ignoring(alertstate) max_over_time(ALERTS{alertstate="firing"}[$__range])) + (count by (alertname) (changes(ALERTS_FOR_STATE[$__range]) AND ignoring(alertstate) max_over_time(ALERTS{alertstate="firing"}[$__range])) * 1))

Then use a grafana panel as "Gauge" with the following options :

* Value options: show calculate, Last *

* Orientation = horizontal, and 

Number of alerts by alert name of the last 2 months

PromQL = sum by(alertname) (changes(ALERTS_FOR_STATE[65d]))

Number of alerts by instance over the last 2 months

PromQL = sum by(instance_name) (changes(ALERTS_FOR_STATE[65d]))

jeudi 21 janvier 2021

Opsgenie webinar / ressources

opsgenie is a tool allowing filtering and routing of monitoring-triggered alerts (nagios, AWS SNS, datadog, ...) to specific channels (SMS, phone-call, Slack, Jira, ...).

Main features on top of this :

  • time-table (who's on-call) 
  • alerts / incident resolution centralization
  • third party integrations with 100+ tools

Opsgenie Learning Center :

[video] Opsgenie : "What do we do?"

[video] Opsgenie: "First Look"

Opsgenie Pricing :

Implement nagios to opsgenie Heartbeats :