JSON url to convert : http://json_url/foobar.json
json_exporter running locally : localhost:7979 or json_exporter:7979
Status of the json_exporter, does NOT contain the metrics from the targets, only related to the process itself (useful to know if it's up or not for example).
Check the result of a JSON URL to be converted / aka. what prometheus should scrape
curl http://json_url/foobar.json => JSON (original)
curl localhost:7979/probe?target=https://json_url/foobar.json => openmetrics converted by json_exporter
Other useful commands :
* edit, restart, wait, check json_exporter output
sudo vi /etc/json_exporter/config.yml && sudo systemctl restart json_exporter && sleep 5 && curl http://localhost:7979/probe?target=http://json_url/foobar.json
* edit, check and restart prometheus :
sudo vi /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml && sudo promtool check config /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml && sudo systemctl restart prometheus.service
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