mercredi 21 octobre 2009

Bash "bind" command for defining keyshortcuts

On y trouve entre autre :

# Now map xterm's alternative keybindings to existing functionality
# Some are simple translations to correspontend M- combinations
# ctrl+left/right arrows:
bind '"\e\x5b\x31\x3b\x35\x44"':backward-word
bind '"\e\x5b\x31\x3b\x35\x43"':forward-word
# alt+b/f:
bind '"\xe2"':'"\M-b"'
bind '"\xe6"':'"\M-f"'
# atl+backspace:
bind '"\xff"':backward-kill-word
# alt+'.':
bind '"\xae"':yank-last-arg
# alt+k:
bind '"\xeb"':"\"\M-k\""
# alt+w:
bind '"\xf7"':'"\M-w"'

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