common regexp use-cases
common regexp use-cases
required step for a lot of web-based use-case when a cookie must be stored on the client side, for example with oauth2-proxy to set-up remote authentication.
docker run -ti --rm python:3-alpine python -c 'import secrets,base64; print(base64.b64encode(base64.b64encode(secrets.token_bytes(16))));'
Followings solutions are from : (v7.2.x)
python -c 'import os,base64; print(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(32)).decode())'
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d -- '\n' | tr -- '+/' '-_'; echo
openssl rand -base64 32 | tr -- '+/' '-_'
# Add System.Web assembly to session, just in case
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
# Valid 32 Byte Base64 URL encoding set that will decode to 24 []byte AES-192 secret
resource "random_password" "cookie_secret" {
length = 32
override_special = "-_"
Start Caddy within a docker container and add a plugin.
image_ref: caddy:2.5.0 # image reference used twice in the Dockerfile, once with ${image_ref}-builder, once directly
./caddy/Dockerfile :
Caddyfile must exist (content not relevant here):
command :
docker-compose up --build caddy
As noted here :
make sure to include a rule in your hetzner Robot firewall / firewall templates if you want to connect to the outerworld. For instance, without the "outgoing" line in my setup, I was not able to perform even a apt-get update.
Hetzner Servers - Robot Firewall / rule for outgoing trafic
Proofread your text. Catch style issues and common errors with a quick copy and paste.
==> useful for motivation letters for example
Since the "next steps" are not necessarily available, to reduce the anxiety of knowing the next step, this is what I could observe as a delivery workflow statuses during an Ikea delivery in january 2022.
Français :
État de la livraison (inverse)
Example list
Organization :
* 1 master of masters : decides the list, and will count the points (in particular : who finished first ?)
* 1 master per group
* split the list of attending people in zoom "breakout rooms" (1 per group)
* each group master is responsible for validating having seen the objects
* when done or at 15min => back to the main room and count
examples, in 2021-Nov (7,450,880 prices in 10,484 cities entered by 613,014 contributors)