jeudi 25 février 2021

Ansible resources / links


 Jeff Geerling : author of the main ansible book, also author of a lot of important ansible roles and modules. In 2020, he did a serie of youtube weekly stream walking through each chapters of his book.



  • mailing list :

* : ARA Records Ansible and makes it easier to understand and troubleshoot... 

mercredi 24 février 2021

Bamboo - 2012 best practices


(ARCHIVED)Moneypenny Speaks! Getting the Most From (Bamboo) Agents - Atlassian Summit 2012

Ec2 elastic 

Utilize Artifact Sharing

  • Hung build killer plugin : Terminate hung jobs
  • Keep Tabs on Agent Activity : agent smith plugin

You mission, should you choose to accept it

1 - build report connoissance

2 - Eradicates re-compile (*)

3 - Install the HungBuildKiller plugin

(*) Don't layer solutions on top of problems, remove the problems.

lundi 22 février 2021


 petite note retrouvée dans un carnet :


J'explore un peu ce site web... où ai-je pu voir cela ?
Etait-ce aux Frigos, à Paris dans le 13ème, en 2017 ?

vendredi 19 février 2021

Wiki Patterns and Anti-Patterns - Stewart Mader / Confluence

 observed on Confluence wiki, but can actually be applied for every wiki

The overall goal is to go from generally observed usage 90-9-1 to 80-16-4 
(lurker - occasional contribution - frequent contribution)

Wikipatterns offers practical, proven advice for guiding adoption of new technology, featuring case studies from Apple, Johns Hopkins, LeapFrog, and the nonpartisan National Constitution Center. Drawing from A Pattern Language, the architecture and urban design book by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, and Murray Silverstein, Wikipatterns enables you to build an enduring, useful space for collaboration, whether your team is nearby or spread around the world. ReviewsOrder a Copy

Patterns & Anti-Patterns

  • 90-9-1 – Online participation generally follows a 90-9-1 ratio of readers to contributors
  • Acknowledge – Empower peer recognition and encourage its use
  • Ambassador – Person who helps adoption through their endorsement and consistent promotion
  • BarnRaising – Designated time to build structure, seed content, and set norms
  • BlankPage – Seed new pages with structure or content to guide others
  • Bully – Someone who goes too far in pushing people to use the wiki
  • Champion – Provides guidance, reduces obstacles, and is essential to the success of adoption
  • Charter – Guidelines for collaboration should be created at the start of technology adoption
  • FAQ – Scaffold that enables a group to build information and share answers
  • Gnome – Performs small edits on a wiki to continually improve its overall quality
  • IntentionalError – Make some mistakes for others to find and fix, thus getting them used to editing
  • Invitation – Good way to encourage non-early adopters to get involved
  • Magnet – Entice people to visit the wiki by exclusively posting essential information
  • Patron – Leader who confers legitimacy that can increase the likelihood of success
  • Sandbox – “Practice” page that may inadvertently hinder adoption
  • Scaffold – Give people a place to start by “framing” the content that should be added to a new page
  • Spectator – Someone who consumes wiki content but does not contribute to it
  • Troll – Provokes the community instead of focusing criticism on specific procedural or functional issues
  • Viral – Use spreads as people encourage colleagues to use the wiki

jeudi 18 février 2021

Google and Atlassian on how to work

Google : aristotle project,

What is a team, and what is an effective team.

1.Psychological safety

2. Dependability

3. Structure and clarity

4. Meaning

5. Impact

(which by the side, made me find about the google Oxygen project, on what makes a great manager : )

Atlassian : Team Central Open culture

it's not all about work, but it's all about open communication

Atlassian work-life Blog :

The importance of values

JetBrain / dev IDE : IntelliJ, PyCharm, etc.

It is possible to adapt those IDE to automatically allocate some memory at the startup time, and to 

For example, edit your version of idea.vmoptions and update the '-Xmx' line so that IntelliJ runs with 4Go allowed memory (my default was 1024...)


Note that with mac os, it shouldn't be edited by hand directly through the files, but through 
PyCharm > Help > Edit JVM options

cf. :

KB websites and resources around Atlassian

 Official Atlassian resources

Atlassian documentation

Atlassian Webinars

Atlassian community

Atlassian Developer community

Atlassian Developer documentation

Atlassian Jira

Atlassian Marketplace

Atlassian open source add-ons

Limited access :

Atlassian support 

* (you'll need a valid SEN...)

* for app developpers :

Land Acknowledgment / Reconnaissance Territoriale


Tkaronto (Toronto, ON) - Land-acknowledgement

Tio'tia:ke (Montréal, QC) - Reconnaissance-territoriale

Password breaches

mercredi 17 février 2021

Run Ansible playbook on AWS target with SSM System manager

AWS configuration

SSM State manager : Association Parameters

 documentParameters with an archive (zip) containing multiple yml files

{ "InstallDependencies":"False", "SourceType":"S3", "SourceInfo":"{\"path\":\"\"}", "PlaybookFile":"main.yml" }

 documentParameters with only one yml files

{ "InstallDependencies":"False", "SourceType":"S3", "SourceInfo":"{\"path\":\"\"}", "PlaybookFile":"playbook.yml" }


{ "name": "AWS-ApplyAnsiblePlaybooks" }

* Association Target

Depending on where you want to run the playbook, select what's appropriate

Ansible playbook 

example : daily export from an EC2 instance directory to an s3 bucket

- hosts: localhost
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
  - name: Find zips in /path/to/data/*.zip older than 7d
      paths: /path/to/data/
      patterns: '*.zip'
      age: 7d
    register: files_to_delete
  - name: Remove zips in /path/to/data/ older than 7d
      path: "{{ item.path }}"
      state: absent
    with_items: "{{ files_to_delete.files }}"

  - name: Upload content of /path/to/data/ directory, ommiting structure-*.zip files
      bucket: target-s3-share-name
      key_prefix: s3-prefix-dir-name/subdirectory/
      file_root: /path/to/data/
      include: "*.zip"
      exclude: "structure-*.zip"
      delete: no # if set to yes, removes remote files that exist in bucket but are not present in the file root.
  - name: Upload content of /path/to/data/ directory
      bucket: target-s3-share-name
      key_prefix: s3-prefix-dir-name/subdirectory/
      file_root: /path/to/data/
      include: "*"

References :