Résultat, il y a deux possibilité pour les Dell Latitude :
- F2
- Fn+F1
$ sudo mkdir /media/iso
$ sudo mount -t iso9660 netbsd/i386cd-4.0.iso /media/iso -o loop
$ ls -la /media/iso/
$ su
# vnconfig -c vnd0 /home/mark/i386cd-3.0.1.iso
# mount_cd9660 /dev/vnd0d /image/
# mount -t usbfs /dev/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb/
#example ~/.bash_profile file
/usr/bin/keychain private keys
#redirect ~/.ssh-agent output to /dev/null to zap the annoying
#"Agent PID" message
source ~/.ssh-agent > /dev/null
42 4 * * * time /home/cm/usr/bin/script_sauvegarde.sh
source /home/cm/.keychain/MACHINE-NAME-sh
rsync -e ssh --exclude-from=RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FILE -Cavz CLIENT/ SERVER:PATH_ON_SERVER/
antiword - show the text and images of MS Word documents
antiword [ options ] wordfiles
Antiword is an application that displays the text and the images of Microsoft Word documents.
A wordfile named - stands for a Word document read from the standard input.
Only documents made by MS Word version 2 and version 6 or later are supported.
(add-hook 'after-save-hook (lambda () (shell-command "cd /home/web/; make sync -f /home/Makefile")))