(add-hook 'after-save-hook (lambda () (shell-command "cd /home/web/; make sync -f /home/Makefile")))
- Cela s'exécute à l'emplacement du fichier (d'où le "cd ...")
- Cela s'applique pour TOUT les buffers ouverts
attention :
(add-hook 'after-save-hook (lambda () (shell-command "cd /home/web/; make sync -f /home/Makefile")))
mplayer -playlist playlist.rm -ao pcm -ao pcm:file=tmp.wav -vc dummy -vo null
Creating a new image from the content of the clipboard has become more straight-forward in GIMP 2.3, actually. Use "File->Acquire->Paste as New" or "Edit->Paste as->New Image" to get there in one step.