platforms/products to manage an API
vendredi 22 septembre 2023
mercredi 6 septembre 2023
Request Bin / http endpoint for testing
In this step, we’ll set up a new contact point. This contact point will use the webhooks channel. In order to make this work, we also need an endpoint for our webhook channel to receive the alert. We will use to quickly set up that test endpoint. This way we can make sure that our alert is actually sending a notification somewhere.
- Browse to
- Under the Create Request Bin button, click the public bin link.
Your request bin is now waiting for the first request.
- Copy the endpoint URL.
=> tool to test what is received !
vendredi 14 juillet 2023
Burnout metrics
Maslach Burnout Inventory™ (MBI)
Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS)
How to measure work engagement / The UWES Questionnaire
(Summary of Schaufeli B. W. & Bakker, B. A. (2003): Occupational Health Psychology Unit. Utrecht
LinkedIn: Human Capital Analytics Group
from :
- Community: In the book The Burnout Fix, Dr. Jacinta Jimenez details the importance of a “psychologically safe” environment — that is, one that “empowers employees to share their selves and their ideas without fear of negative consequences.” If you feel supported, connected, and unafraid to show up authentically at work, you are far less likely to experience burnout.
mardi 11 juillet 2023
with great software comes great devopsability"
"with great software comes great devopsability"
cm, july 2023 :-D
mercredi 21 juin 2023
The Not Rocket Science Rule Of Software Engineering: automatically maintain a repository of code that always passes all the tests
technicalities: "not rocket science" (the story of monotone and bors) :
The Not Rocket Science Rule Of Software Engineering:
automatically maintain a repository of code that always passes all the tests
parse json in terraform
data "http" "example" { url = "..." } locals { example_response = jsondecode(data.http.example.body) }
From there you can manipulate that data structure as you need. If you want to produce a map of lists then probably your next step would be to use two nested for expressions. I’m just guessing what you want the values in those lists to look like, but here’s a starting point:
locals { example_rules = { for k, m in local.example_response : k => [ for k, v in m : { key = k value = v } ] } }
Quantum computing art (& fractals)
Visualizing Quantum Computing using fractals
Flexible Representation of Quantum Images (FRQI) and Novel Enhanced Quantum Representation (NEQR)
Exhibition-ready quantum image processing
Creating fractal art with qiskit
mercredi 1 mars 2023
Engineering levels
- Google levels:
- Facebook levels:
- Levels at various other companies:
mercredi 22 février 2023
Service Level metrics
- SLO : Service Level Objective
Common examples of metrics that can be associated with SLOs are disaster recovery time, application availability, live communication response time, first call resolution rate and application maintenance.
- SLI : Service Level Indicator
SLI = [ good event / valid event ] * 100%
request / response : Availability, Latency, Quality
Data Processing : Coverage, Correctness, Freshness, Throughput
- SLA : Service level agreements
usually external metrics (i.e. : end service KO time)
Appdex : scoring 0 to 1 for user satisfaction
-- source :
- Blog covering AIOps custom automations inside the Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps ->
- Blog covering Instana’s new remediation framework ->
- Demo of Instana’s new remediation framework’s integration with PagerDuty’s Process Automation ->
And you can connect with Arthur on LinkedIn at: