3 shortcuts on MS-Word :
- Shift + F3 : change the current word type case between ALLUPPER <-> alllower <-> Firstcharup.->->
- Shift + F4 / F5 : navigate 1 screen forward (f4) / backward (f5.
- Control + Y : repeat the last action performed.
set terminal x11 1 noraise set autoscale set grid set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S" set format x "%m/%d\n%H:%M" plot "data.dat" \ using 1:(stringcolumn(2) eq "valAAA"? $3:1/0) title "A" lc rgb "blue",\ "" using 1:(stringcolumn(2) eq "valBBB"? $3:1/0) title "B" lc rgb "red",\ "" using 1:(stringcolumn(2) eq "valCCC"? $3:1/0) title "C" lc rgb "green",\ "" using 1:(stringcolumn(2) eq "valDDD"? $3:1/0) title "D" lc rgb "orange",\ "" using 1:(stringcolumn(2) eq "valEEE"? $3:1/0) title "E" lc rgb "purple",\ "" using 1:(stringcolumn(2) eq "valFFF"? $3:1/0) title "F" lc rgb "violet" pause 100 reread
gnuplot < myplotrow.gpl
set terminal postscript color
gnuplot < myplotrow.gpl > myoutput.ps
2015-09-24_10:00:00 valAAA 37.000 2015-09-24_10:00:00 valBBB 37.000 2015-09-24_10:00:00 valCCC 37.000 2015-09-24_10:00:00 valDDD 37.000 2015-09-24_10:00:00 valEEE 37.000 2015-09-24_10:00:00 valFFF 37.000 2015-09-24_13:30:00 valAAA 40.000 2015-09-24_13:30:00 valBBB 40.000 2015-09-24_13:30:00 valCCC 41.000 2015-09-24_13:30:00 valDDD 42.000 2015-09-24_13:30:00 valEEE 42.000 2015-09-24_13:30:00 valFFF 42.000 2015-09-25_02:00:00 valAAA 5.000 2015-09-25_02:00:00 valBBB 5.000 2015-09-25_02:00:00 valCCC 5.000 2015-09-25_02:00:00 valDDD 5.000 2015-09-25_02:00:00 valEEE 5.000 2015-09-25_02:00:00 valFFF 5.000 2015-09-25_03:30:00 valAAA 15.000 2015-09-25_03:30:00 valBBB 15.000 2015-09-25_03:30:00 valCCC 16.000 2015-09-25_03:30:00 valDDD 16.000 2015-09-25_03:30:00 valEEE 15.000 2015-09-25_03:30:00 valFFF 15.000 2015-09-25_05:30:00 valAAA 19.000 2015-09-25_05:30:00 valBBB 19.000 2015-09-25_05:30:00 valCCC 19.000 2015-09-25_05:30:00 valDDD 20.000 2015-09-25_05:30:00 valEEE 19.000 2015-09-25_05:30:00 valFFF 19.000 2015-09-25_06:00:00 valAAA 19.000 2015-09-25_06:00:00 valBBB 19.000 2015-09-25_06:00:00 valCCC 18.000 2015-09-25_06:00:00 valDDD 19.000 2015-09-25_06:00:00 valEEE 19.000 2015-09-25_06:00:00 valFFF 20.000References :
PERL_CONVERT="use XML::Simple; print XMLout(XMLin('-', KeepRoot => 1), AttrIndent => 1, KeepRoot => 1, XMLDecl => '');"
/usr/bin/perl -e "$PERL_CONVERT" > $TMPFILE
find . -type f -exec grep -l STRING_AAAA {} \; -exec perl -pi -e 's!STRING_AAAA!STRING_BBBB!g' {} \;Pre-tests :
find . -type f -exec grep -l STRING_AAAA {} \;
command1 | tee OUTFILE
command1 | tee OUTFILE
echo ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
exec 4>&1; RETVAL=$({ { command1 ; echo $? >&3 ; } | { tee $OUTFILE >&4; } } 3>&1); exec 4>&-
{ if (window.content == window) /* not sidebar */ else /* sidebar */ }Source :
What is Aspect-Oriented Software Development?
Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD), sometimes just called Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), is a new approach to software design that addresses modularity problems that are not handled well by other approaches, including Structured Programming and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). AOSD complements, but doesn't replace those approaches.